
Town adds 6 million baby clam and oyster seeds to Oyster Bay Harbor

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Town of Oyster Bay government joined the Town Environmental team to seed the remainder of 6 million oyster and clam seedlings deposited into Oyster Bay Harbor throughout 2024. (Photo credit Lauren Feldman)

Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino, Council Member Lou Imbroto, Clerk Richard LaMarca, and Receiver of Taxes Jeff Pravato took to the Sound on Tuesday, Sept. 24, to deposit the remaining half million of the roughly 6 million clam and oyster seedlings that the town aimed to plant throughout 2024.

“Oyster Bay Harbor is one of the crown jewels of Oyster Bay, and we are proud to be doing more than ever before to improve its water quality,” said Saladino. “Programs like these help bolster the local economy while improving water quality. These efforts help preserve the natural beauty of our local waterways for generations to come.”

“Placing seeds strategically not only repopulates the shellfish but effectively cleans and filters the waterways,” the supervisor continued. The Town grows out the seedlings at its Shellfish Hatchery until they mature enough to be transferred to grow-out areas where they can fully mature.

Members of the town Department of Environmental Resources, who helped prepare the seedlings, were present to help distribute them among the bay.

The final planting comes in time for Oyster Fest, which the town will be hosting in a few short weeks on October 19 and 20. “We are proud to announce that this year, all of the oysters will be locally sourced,” Saladino said. “They are all New York residents, and many of them hail from right here in Oyster Bay!”

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From left, Oyster Bay Council Member Louis Imbroto, Receiver of Taxes Jeffrey Pravato, Town Clerk Richard LaMarca, and Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino shovel clams and oysters into the Bay. (Photo credit Lauren Feldman)
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The remaining batch of oysters and clams to be added to the bay. (Photo credit Lauren Feldman)
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Receiver of Taxes Pravato, left, and Supervisor Saladino, center, dump the final bucket of clams and oysters. (Photo credit Lauren Feldman)