
OpEd: LI Giving Residents New Tools to Celebrate Car Free Day

car free day long island
The 2024 Car Free Day has successfuly kept 78 tones of carbon dioxide off Long Island roads.

Car Free Day Long Island continues to strengthen its message and impact, and 2024 was no exception. With 3,912 Long Islanders taking the pledge this year, we’ve successfully kept 78 tons of carbon dioxide off the road. These commitments reflect a growing desire to take control of our environmental footprint—and new transit developments across Long Island are making it easier to achieve that goal.

Car Free Day isn’t just about one day; it’s about rethinking how we move every day. With transportation responsible for over 30% of Long Island’s greenhouse gas emissions, the shift away from car dependence is vital to our region’s climate goals. Thankfully, Long Island is taking steps to empower residents with sustainable alternatives.

At the Car Free Day LI Rally this year, our coalition unveiled significant strides in public transportation that will help residents transition from car-reliant commutes to greener, more connected options. The Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) is leading the way, with services like East Side Access: Grand Central Madison and the LIRR Third Track, transforming commuting patterns and reducing the need for cars. These improvements have already contributed to increasing LIRR ridership for several months in a row, signaling a shift in how Long Islanders approach transportation.

Beyond the LIRR, other transit systems are stepping up. NICE Bus, for example, continues to innovate in service expansion. By combining its Mini On-Demand service with its Able Ride paratransit service, NICE Bus has made near door-to-door transit a reality for just $2.90 per trip. 

Meanwhile, Suffolk County Transit has reimagined its bus system, expanded bike-share options, and launched the new Transit to Trails Program. And let’s not forget the ambitious 200-mile greenway currently in the planning stages, which will connect 27 communities from Manhattan to Montauk, creating new pathways for car-free travel.

So, what does all this mean for Long Islanders? It means that choosing car-free travel is no longer a sacrifice—it’s an opportunity. Opportunities to save money, reduce emissions, and create a healthier, less congested Long Island. With every service improvement and innovation, we’re providing more people with the tools they need to opt out of car dependency.

As we look forward, I want to remind Long Islanders that every little bit helps. If each of us drives just one mile less, we could see remarkable benefits for air quality, public health, and traffic congestion. The nearly 4,000 of you who took the Car Free Day pledge are already part of the solution. But the work doesn’t stop here—let’s keep building a greener future, one ride at a time.

car free day
Mindy Germain of Car Free Day LI and Transit Solutions.

Mindy Germain is Co-Chair of Car Free Day Long Island and Program Manager of Transit Solutions.