
Celebrate Hanukkah with Temple Beth-El

Star of David Hanukkah menorah
Temple Beth-El invites the community to join them to celebrate the festival of lights with a variety of events this season
Photo courtesy of Temple Beth-El

Temple Beth-El of Great Neck, the home of intellectual Judaism on Long Island and a vibrant center for Jewish cultural arts, will celebrate the festival of lights with a variety of events this season—and the community is welcome to join the festivities.

Congregant Rochelle Rosenbloom will lead a fun, gentle but energetic dance program, followed by Havdalah and light refreshments, at the Sisterhood Dance and Havdalah on Saturday, Dec. 14, 3–4 p.m. Register for $5 at tinyurl.com/SisterhoodDec14.

Children ages two to five can wear their favorite pajamas to enjoy crafts, music, pizza and jelly doughnuts at the Tot Pajama Hanukkah Havdalah, held in partnership with PJ Library, on Saturday, Dec. 14, 5:30–7:30 p.m. Register for this free event at tinyurl.com/PajamaDec14.

Help provide local families in need with a holiday dinner by volunteering to assemble and deliver bags containing meal ingredients at Temple Beth-El’s annual Tzedakah Project on Sunday, Dec. 15, 9:30 a.m.–12 p.m., and/or sponsor one or more meals. Each complete dinner costs only $30 per family. With generous donations from the community, dinners will be delivered to more than 325 Great Neck families. Register to participate or donate at tinyurl.com/TBETzedakah2024.

The Kehillah Project Hanukkah Celebration with festive fun, doughnuts, dreidels and games will reward students for helping the Tzedakah Project package meals for local families. Find out more about this innovative learning program by contacting Rabbi Megan at mbrumer@tbegreatneck.org.

Be part of something truly special this Christmas with the Sharing Holiday Cheer Volunteer Program on Wednesday, Dec. 25. Disburse joy and warmth—as well as smiles and festive spirits to the community—by volunteering at North Shore University Hospital or Parker Jewish Institute for Health Care and Rehabilitation.

Bring your own menorah and candles, recite the blessings and light your hanukkiah at Erev Shabbat Hanukkah services, followed by a festive holiday Oneg on Friday, Dec. 27, 7–8:30 p.m.

Temple Beth-El, a leader in shaping the future of pluralistic Judaism on the western North Shore, is located at 5 Old Mill Road. Register for events, schedule a new member tour or learn more at www.tbegreatneck.org, 516-487-0900 or info@tbegreatneck.org.