Massapequa Takes Action Coalition is set to announce the relaunching of its underage drinking awareness campaign.
The program will now include crucial updates to the local legislature as well as the mental detriments of underage drinking. The goal is to better inform parents, guardians, and the community about the legal consequences of serving minors, including the risks and psychological consequences underage drinking poses to young people.
The campaign will feature expanded information on Nassau County’s Social Host Law, which holds adults accountable if they allow minors to consume alcohol on their property. The updated campaign will also address the mental health implications of underage drinking.
Massapequa Takes Action Coalition is a nonprofit organization dedicated to reducing substance use and promoting mental and physical well-being in the Massapequa community.
The campaign hopes to empower parents and teens to make healthier, more informed choices. MTAC also notes that the holiday season can be difficult for individuals in recovery or those battling addiction due to a number of factors.
You can visit or contact Massapequa Takes Action Coalition at (516) 799-3203 ext. 131 or for more information.