Here are the top 5 stories in Long Island Press this week:
Man drunkenly drove car onto LIRR tracks, MTA says
The U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights said it is investigating the Port Washington Union Free School District for three potential types of discrimination, including the most recent Nov. 25 filing involving potential national origin discrimination based on religion.
Great Neck doctor convicted of selling oxycodone
A Great Neck doctor has been convicted of selling patients oxycodone, a highly addictive prescription opioid, for cash out of her office.
Syosset schools opt out of regionalization
The Syosset Board of Education opted out of the state’s Regionalization Initiative and reserved its right to take legal action if forced to participate in a unanimous vote at Monday’s meeting.
Nassau Democrats propose new bill allowing refund on red-light camera fees
Nassau County Democrats unveiled new proposed legislation that, if passed, would allow Nassau County citizens to get a refund if they had to pay unconstitutional administrative fees on red-light camera tickets.
Red light cameras eliminated in Suffolk County after 14-year battle
It’s the end of the road for red light cameras in Suffolk County. Here’s what that means for taxpayers.