
No Spin Zone: Yo, Adrian! Donald Trump now the new Rocky Balboa

Bill O'Reilly
Bill O’Reilly
Bill O’Reilly

Let’s call this movie “Trumpy IV.” A contender wins the 2016 presidential election against all odds, loses a rematch, trains incessantly to return, and knocks out his opponent four years later.

Somewhere, James Brown is singing “Living in America.”

Yo, Adrian, how bout that scenario?  Even the ultra-creative Sylvester Stallone might have doubted it.

The re-election of President Trump is the most dramatic voting decision ever seen in this country.  But rather than reporting that fact accurately, the corrupt corporate media immediately segued into the “Trump-vengeance” scenario.

Let’s examine that.

There is no question that Donald Trump has been targeted and smeared in very personal ways.  Powerful people tried to destroy him.  They failed.

So, now, what will the most powerful person on Earth do about those who have tortured him?  And, should he take any action at all?

Human nature dictates that self-protection may require strong action. Clearly folks Iike Nancy Pelosi and Liz Cheney deserve scrutiny for their hate-Trump obsession.  But Cheney’s political career has been ruined, and Pelosi is finished in the court of public opinion. Karma has visited them.

Former Trump Chief-of-Staff John Kelly absolutely betrayed the president.  But Kelly has no constituency and neither does Michael Cohen, John Bolton, Anthony Scaramucci and a few others once close to Trump.  They are now wanderers, occasionally used by anti-Trump media in meaningless expositions.

President Trump despises the “fake news” outlets but, again, all of them are losing audience as they shuffle into obsolescence.

Trump not only defeated Kamala Harris but the despised media as well.

That leaves officers of the court like Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, Atlanta DA Fanni Willis, and New York Attorney General Leticia James.  These people still hold power so they should be investigated.  Law enforcement people simply cannot use their authority to marginalize political opposition.  That will ruin a democracy faster than anything. Check out Putin’s Russia.

Of course, any kind of investigation by the Trump administration into high-profile officials will bring loud braying by the dishonest press.  But so what?  Most Americans know the media fix is in and still want corruption rooted out no matter where it’s found.

Why wouldn’t they?

So, get ready for the new Justice Department to take a hard look at those who embraced impeachment, trumped up (sorry) criminal charges, and recruited deceivers to injure Donald Trump.

If the “equal justice” tenet still means anything, well, let’s see who exactly did what. Follow the facts where they lead.

As Rocky Balboa once said: “Go for it.”