
Weber Middle School Academic Teams Competes at Blue Dragon Science Olympiad Invitational

Weber Middle School students competed in a Science Olympiad invitational where they earned top medals in various events
Weber Middle School students competed in a Science Olympiad invitational where they earned top medals in various events
Port Washington Union Free School District

Weber Middle School students competed in the Division B Invitational on Jan. 11 at Division Avenue High School in Levittown, where the team earned medals in various events.

More than 45 schools from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Connecticut took part in the event.

Weber’s team earned top ten honors in several events, including Codebusters, Meteorology, Optics and Potions and Poisons.

The school district congratulated the students who competed and the coaches Ms. Lindstadt-Iurka, Mr. Buchman, Mr. Tom and Ms. Heyne for their leadership and support in guiding the team to success.

The team is now preparing for the Western Nassau County Division B Regionals, scheduled for March 8 at Kellenberg High School.