
New Hyde Park Eagle Scouts Court of Honor

On Dec. 28, five Eagle Scouts from Troop 298 in New Hyde Park celebrated their Court of Honor with dignitaries, family, and friends at the Irish American Center. The young men presented with this prestigious honor were Ryan Amante, Liam Booth, Leo Burgos, Eddie Dean and Michael Dore. They all contributed and completed many projects in their communities over their scouting years.

Amante participated in a project at the Nassau County Veterans Service Agency. He built new shelving for the food pantry had a food drive at Memorial High School in which he collected over 700 cans of food.

The beneficiary of Booth’s project was Safe Center of Long Island. He had a drive to collect essential supplies, collected gift cards for the residents to use at Safe House and built shelving to store the donated items.

Burgos completed a project at the House of Hope Valley Stream. There was a food drive and they refurbished the existing awning over the entryway of House of Hope, as well as designed and built flower boxes. Burgos also helped landscape the front and side of the property.

The beneficiary of Dean’s project was Centennial Gardens Floral Park. His responsibilities consisted of the restoration of the existing gazebo and restoring the fencing for rain runoff.

The beneficiary of Dore’s project was the Village of New Hyde Park. He had two fundraisers to help cover the cost of his project . Dore built three exercise stations for the residents at Lincoln Memorial Park . He also replenished existing flower boxes in the park.

Ryan Amante, Liam Booth , Leo Burgos, Eddie Dean and Michael Dore who are apart of New Hyde Park Eagle Scouts Troop 298 and were awarded their Court of Honor (Photo by Steve Guglielmo from troop 298)