Meet Camdyn Glover, a dedicated Girl Scout from Center Moriches who’s been part of the organization since kindergarten. Now a high school senior, Camdyn shares her passion for community service, Girl Scout history, and her journey toward achieving the prestigious Gold Award, Girl Scouting’s highest honor.
What inspired you to join Girl Scouts?
My mom, a former Girl Scout, has been my dedicated leader for the full 13 years, and it is because of her that Troop 1556 became a reality. I have always counted myself lucky to have had such a group of girls as my best friends through the years.
Can you share more about your Gold Award project?
My Gold Award is titled “Advocating For All,” which has the three fundamental pillars of inclusivity, kindness, and advocacy. The project focuses on disability awareness and advocacy. I chose this topic because I believe that the community of individuals with special needs is often not represented or discussed enough, especially through the inclusion and diversity discussions.
What was the most memorable moment from attending the Girl Scouts National Convention in 2023?
My favorite part was how my soul felt. I have never felt more inspired or empowered to make a change in this world, nor had I truly understood that I had every opportunity to. It truly registered that I have this incredible power in my hands as a Girl Scout, and it is important to not take it for granted.
Why do you think community service is such an important part of being a Girl Scout?
It is in community service that sometimes a girl can truly appreciate her current situation, as she is in a situation where she is able to help others. Every act is eye-opening, and sometimes girls can find the cause they are passionate about.
How has being a Girl Scout shaped your interest in the outdoors and learning about Girl Scout history?
As a Girl Scout, I have always been exposed to the outdoors from the very beginning, so it did not take long for me to develop such a love for our beautiful world. I have been hiking, firebuilding, camping, kayaking, canoeing, rope climbing, you name it. I have loved every moment, and I have found true peace with my time outdoors. There is such a calming effect when you sort of disconnect from the rest of the world, and you just find yourself.
What advice would you give to younger girls just starting their Girl Scout journey?
If I can have you take away just one piece of advice, I would tell you this. Never, and I mean never, take it for granted.
Presented by The Girl Scouts of Suffolk County
Read more: Girl Scouts of Suffolk County: Building community one scout at a time