Locust Valley Middle and High School welcomed fifth graders from Bayville
Intermediate and Locust Valley Intermediate to the mini-theater for a showcase of Italian culture in the annual “Italiamo” festival on Jan. 24.
The visiting intermediate schoolers molded clay into Italian icons, learned to converse in Italian, created their dream pizza pies with stickers, drew upside down like Michelangelo painting the Sistine Chapel and performed the traditional dance “La Tarantella,” under the guidance of the high school volunteers and teachers Eleonora Aiello, Mariatonia Angelo and Melissa Caravello.
The event gave fifth graders a chance to understand a different culture, familiarize themselves with the building they will move to next year and talk with high school students about the amazing things to look forward to in the next step in their educational journey.
Submitted by the Locust Valley Central School District