
Bill O’Reilly, No Spin Zone: Cheering the swamp

Bill O'Reilly
Bill O’Reilly
Bill O’Reilly

Peggy Noonan is a Wall Street Journal columnist who once wrote speeches for Ronald Reagan.  She does not like Donald Trump.  She sees him as a vulgarian interloper, a disrupter of political and social traditions.   Ms. Noonan seems to be enamored of the establishment ways.

As a news analyst, she is entitled to believe what she wants to believe. She begins her column this week with the word “I.” Never a good literary sign and there are many “I’s” sprinkled throughout the piece.

Using the always handy anonymous sources, Peggy Noonan posits that the political class in Washington, both Republicans and Democrats, are uneasy with President Trump.  And that’s true. The man is unpredictable and has scorn for the DC establishment, which again Noonan respects.

The truth is that Washington is a corrupt place that needs a complete overhaul. Somehow that hasn’t yet penetrated the mind of Ms. Noonan.

The first two weeks of Trump the avenger has been devoted to firing folks and frightening various miscreants.  You don’t “reform” the federal colossus in DC by distributing muffins.  Granted, Donald Trump’s heavy hand is the envy of Sumo wrestlers, but the situation is urgent.

Here’s a great example.  For decades, ever since President Reagan granted amnesty to undocumented immigrants, Congress has refused to pass fair legislation in that area.  The unbelievably incompetent Joe Biden used the immigration chaos to destroy all restraints at the border. Millions of foreign nationals poured in unsupervised as did tons of deadly narcotics.

Trump is appalled by that and has acted quickly to stop the madness as he should. Same thing with corrupt federal law people and ideological military officers. These charlatans have to go.  They are hurting the folks.

Get it, Peggy?

President Trump is not always right as Matt Gaetz and RFJ Jr. prove.  But his mission is solid: remove far left zealots masquerading as public servants.  Stop other countries from fleecing us. Strengthen national security, cease promoting woke nonsense.

Ronald Reagan would certainly approve.

Finally, you may have noticed the word “I” is not used in my analysis.  That’s because this column is not about me.

It’s about strengthening the country.  The swamp and President Trump are incompatible.  The treacherous, entrenched federal system tried its best to destroy the man the first time around.  It failed.

And so the reaper is back with a vengeance.  And the shadowy creatures on K Street know it and fear it.

Game on.