
Williston Park Library unveils new winter and spring programming

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Williston Park Library Offers Winter and Spring Programs, Free Books for Teachers, and Scholarship Applications

This winter and spring, the Williston Park Library is offering children’s and adult programming, free books for elementary school teachers, and applications for the American Legion scholarship.

Adult Programs

Yoga for Adults – Saturdays, noon to 1 p.m., Feb. 15 to March 29. $10 per class.

Chair Yoga – Thursdays, 11 a.m. to noon, Feb. 20 to March 27. No class on March 13. $10 per class.

Reiki – Thursdays, 6 p.m., on Feb. 20, March 6, and March 20. $10 per class.

Ceramics Series with Rosemarie Attard – Wednesdays at 6 p.m. in the library:

  • March 5: “Bunny Stack”
  • April 16: “Garden Stones”
  • May 7: “Flower Turtle”
  • June 18: “Garden Butterfly”
  • July 16: “Beach Sign”

$15 materials fee per craft. Each class is limited to 25 participants.

Empire Safety Defensive Driving Course – Wednesday, March 5, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For drivers of all ages. $33 per person. Payment can be made directly to the instructor via cash, check, or credit card.

All adult programs, except the ceramics series, will take place in the Assembly Room of Village Hall. Registration is required for all programs except Reiki.

To register, call the library at 516-742-1820 or email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com. To register for the driving course, fill out a form at the circulation desk.

Children’s Programs

Valentine Craft with Miss Lisa – Saturday, Feb. 15

Colorful Chemistry – Saturday, March 1

Groovy STEM – Saturday, April 5

Castles & Catapults – Saturday, May 10

All children’s programs are for ages 5 and up and take place in the Children’s Room from noon to 1 p.m. Registration is required.

To register, call the library at 516-742-1820 or email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com.

Free Books, Museum Passes, and Scholarships

The library has added new titles to its collection of gently used nonfiction books available to elementary school teachers, including:

  • “Irish Soda Bread Murder” by Carlene O’Connor
  • “When the Moon Turns Blue” by Pamela Terry
  • “Lies He Told Me” by James Patterson
  • “Story of the Forest” by Linda Grant
  • “Clive Cussler’s Desolation Code” by Graham Brown
  • “How to Love Your Daughter” by Daniella Zamir
  • “Shattering Dawn” by Jayne Ann Krentz
  • “Never Say Never” by Danielle Steel
  • “Last One at the Wedding” by Jason Rekulak
  • “Break Up on Purpose: A Catalyst for Growth” by John Kim

To donate to the library, contact The Book Fairies in Freeport. Items left outside the library will be discarded.

The library is now using a new reservation system for museum passes. A PIN is required to reserve passes online. Patrons who do not have a PIN or need to retrieve it can email wppubliclibrary@gmail.com with their name and library card number. Passes can still be requested at the reference desk.

American Legion Scholarship applications are now available at the library. Applicants must be the child, grandchild, or great-grandchild of a veteran or active service member. The submission deadline is March 1.