Glen Cove council members unanimously approved funding for various city development projects, including the completion of the Austral Avenue playground, at its Monday, Feb. 11 meeting.
The council also approved an agreement with D&B Engineers and Architects to update the city’s stormwater mapping and purchase a trash compactor. Glen Cove Mayor Pamela Panzenbeck said the agreement will not exceed $15,900 and will update the mapping to meet state requirements.
The city recently received a $75,000 mapping grant from the Department of Environmental Conservation to complete the mapping.
Panzenebck said the Austral Avenue playground is in its final stages. The design drawings have been finalized, and equipment has been purchased.
“The [Community Development Agency] received a grant through Nassau County to create a neighborhood playground on a city parcel off of Austral Avenue,” Panzenbeck said.
Council members approved the purchase of 100 cubic yards of engineered wood mulch for the playground at approximately $3,400 and the installation of playground equipment at a cost of $27,500.
Council members also approved the purchase of a solar-powered trash compactor for $10,639, which the county will reimburse through the city’s Community Development Agency, Panzenbeck said.