
Village of Munsey Park addresses speeding, plans for a new playground and upcoming mayoral candidate at Board of Trustees meeting

Pictured from left to right Village of Munsey Park Deputy Mayor Antonio D’ Angelo, .Mayor Lawrence Ceriello, and Trustee Joseph Williams, at last week’s meeting.(Photo by Denivia Rivera)

The Village of Munsey Park responded to a resident’s concerns about speeding on village streets, discussed future plans for an early childhood playground and announced the mayoral candidate for the March 18 election at its Board of Trustees meeting on Wednesday night.

Munsey Park’s Board of Trustees agenda began with a statement from resident Sean Lee regarding speeding on Hunt Lane. Lee’s concern arose after his dog was hit by a speeding car in front of his home. 

“The car was driving at least 30 miles per hour and hit the dog,” said Lee. “The dog survived but the doctors can’t do surgery because his bones are fractured. This is a dog but next time if it’s a kid that doesn’t know to stop, what happens?”

Lee suggested the addition of a speed bump to Hunt Lane in an attempt to prevent speeding-related incidents. 

Mayor Lawrence A. Ceriello told Lee he would look into possible solutions for the issue.

“The village had done a study a couple years ago on the speed limit in the village and we were trying to come up with traffic calming methods,” Ceriello said. “I’m gonna revisit the traffic study, I’ll talk to the village attorney, I’ll see if there’s ways to come up with temporary solutions but speed bumps are not a long term solution.”

Ceriello said people can fail to acknowledge speed bumps and that changing human behavior is the answer to speeding.

In addition to looking into resolving speeding issues within the village, Ceriello discussed new county funding to build an early childhood playground.

The playground is intended for young children who are too small for the existing playgrounds. The county granted $110,000 for the construction of this playground.

“It provides a gathering spot for caregivers, mothers, nannies and babysitters with children who are too small for the playgrounds that you usually see,” Ceriello said. “They want a spot where the kids can run around in a safe environment.”

Ceriello said Nassau County Legislator Mazi Pilip was a key factor in securing the $110,000 grant.

“The county was very gracious and Mazi Pilip was really instrumental in getting us the grant and we’re thrilled by it,” he said. “We plan to have the playground either in Copley Pond Park or Waldmann Park.”

The board of trustees adopted the agreement required by the county to receive those funds during the meeting.

Ceriello also announced that he is the only mayoral candidate for the election on March 18.