
Rabbi Leah Berkowitz to explore sacred stories at Temple Beth-El

Temple Beth-El of Great Neck will welcome Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Leah Berkowitz from Friday, March 21, to Sunday, March 23
Temple Beth-El of Great Neck will welcome Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Leah Berkowitz from Friday, March 21, to Sunday, March 23

Temple Beth-El of Great Neck will welcome Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Leah Berkowitz from Friday, March 21, to Sunday, March 23.

Whether bringing people together for a life-cycle event, examining Jewish texts and traditions through a modern lens or writing books for children and teens, Berkowitz strives to create meaningful experiences rooted in Jewish verse and help people find themselves in sacred stories.

All are welcome at the community Shabbat dinner on Friday at 5:30 p.m., followed by a 7 p.m. worship service and an Oneg. Drawing from the wisdom of Jewish tradition and her work in creative midrash, Berkowitz will discuss how storytelling plays an important role in building a vibrant community.

“I’m excited to spend time with TBE at this critical moment in the life of the congregation,” Berkowitz said. “I love sharing our sacred stories with people of all ages and backgrounds—and thinking about how these accounts can shape our lives today.”

During Torah Study on Saturday at 9:15 a.m., the rabbi will encourage participants to consider what individuals take with them from the past as they move forward

The Shabbat service will begin at 10:30 a.m. and be followed by Lunch & Learn, at which participants will contemplate how to build sacred spaces.

Shabbat will close with Havdalah & Learn at 4 p.m., as the scholar explores modern rabbinical characters—often a source of wisdom and humor in fiction and film—and what changing portrayals can tell individuals about their communities and themselves.

The residency will conclude on Sunday, after The Kehillah Project students meet with Berkowitz, who will share her expertise in the stories of heroic women from the Bible, analyze modern Jewish literature and help develop meaningful worship and life-cycle experiences at 9:30 a.m.

Register for the community dinner at tinyurl.com/TBEMarch21 and the complimentary lunch at tinyurl.com/TBEMarch22.

Temple Beth-El is located at 5 Old Mill Road. Learn more at www.tbegreatneck.org, 516-487-0900 or info@tbegreatneck.org.