Hillside Public Library has a list of spring programming for residents for children, young adults, and adults.
Health Insurance Application Assistance –1ST Floor Modular Room
Tuesday, March 18, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Get help from Health and Welfare Council of Long Island (HWCLI) experts with the Medicaid application process through LDSS, Medicare Savings programs and Medicare resources. Call HWCLI for an appointment at 516-505-4426, or walk-in with your questions.
Mystery Book Club – 1st Floor Modular Room
Wednesday, March 19 at 6:30 p.m. The book being discussed is: Killers of a Certain Age by Deanna Raybourn.
“Older women often feel invisible, but sometimes that’s their secret weapon. They’ve spent their lives as the deadliest assassins in a clandestine international organization, but now that they’re sixty years old, four women friends can’t just retire—it’s kill or be killed in this action-packed thriller.”
Legally Speaking on Estate Administration and Elder Law – All Purpose Room
Thursday, March 20 at 6 p.m. Learn what Estate Administration is, the best strategies to handle probate, the best ways to pay off any debts, close accounts, and more.
St. Francis Hospital Mobile Health Bus – Library Parking Lot
Friday, March 21, 10 a.m. – 1:45 p.m. Free in person health screenings which include a brief cardiac history, blood pressure, simple blood tests for cholesterol and diabetes.
Those interested in joining the library’s Needle Artists’ Circle can email contact-us@hillsidelibrary.info.
P.I.E. Play, Imagine, Explore – Children’s Room
Saturday, March 15 at 11 a.m. Ages: 12 months – 5 years (with parent/caregiver). Children will engage in interactive play and develop literacy skills through hands-on activities.
Quiz Wiz Game Show – All Purpose Room
Wednesday, March 19 at 4:30 p.m. Grades 3-6. Mr. B and Ms. Gillian will host trivia for participants to prove how much they know about different subjects. Prizes can be won.
Athletic Movements with Jane – All Purpose Room
Thursday, March 20 at 4:30 p.m. Grades 2-3. Participants will be moving and exercising, as well as teaming up for activities. It is recommended to bring a water bottle.
Sports and Fitness – Jump Bunch – All Purpose Room
Friday, March 21 at 10:30 a.m. Participants will engage in gross motor skill learning through popular sports such as soccer, football, and basketball.
Step to the Beat – All Purpose Room
Friday, March 21 at 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Grades 5-12. Participants will use their feet to play music on large piano floor mats.