
Sea Cliff students learn astronomy from their peers

Sea Cliff students learn about Earth’s rotation around the sun
North Shore Central School District

Under the direction of science, technology, art, and math teacher Adrien Kaye, Sea Cliff School fifth graders participated in an educational hands-on astronomy learning experience with their younger first-grade peers.

“It was incredible to see the older students take ownership of their learning as they engaged our inquisitive first graders, who already knew so much from the incredible integrated astronomy unit they did with their amazing classroom teachers,” Kaye said. “The entire endeavor required a great deal of collaboration between teachers and students and was a poignant example of the dynamic work going on in our elementary classrooms.”

In small groups, fifth graders demonstrated how the Earth revolves around the Sun, while others taught the younger students how the Earth rotates on its axis. First graders also learned about the moon’s phases and orbit.

After the demonstrations, first-grade students returned to their classrooms to reflect on what they had learned, while the fifth graders debriefed about the teaching process.

Information submitted by the North Shore Central School District