
Roslyn High School announces valedictorian and salutatorian

Roslyn val and sal
Pictured left to right Roslyn High School Class of 2025 valedictorian Lily Rosof and salutatorian Mia Streiner.
Courtesy of Roslyn School District

Roslyn High School announced on Wednesday, March 5, that Lily Rosof has been named valedictorian and Mia Streiner has been named Salutatorian of the Class of 2025.

Rosof earned a 105.989 weighted average while taking six advanced placement courses in her senior year. As a section editor of the school newspaper and a published children’s book author, she has demonstrated a deep passion for writing and education, using her talents to inform and uplift others.

“It’s such an honor,” Rosof said. “There are so many amazing people in my school that I see every day, so it’s kind of hard to believe, but at the same time, I’m really proud of myself for putting in the effort.”

Beyond academics, she has been a leader in the Young Adult Advisory Council at the local library, organizing events and collaborations with nonprofits. As a long-standing member of the RHS Medical Explorers, Lily has worked as president to direct many aspects of the club.

She will embark on the next chapter of her academic journey, focusing on science as a pre-med major.

Streiner earned a grade-point average of 105.975 and serves as president of DECA and president of the Autism Awareness Club. Outside of school, Streiner founded To Infinity & Beyond, an organization that provides services to individuals with special needs.

Additionally, she is the president of the Sid Jacobson JCC’s Executive Teen Leadership Board, vice president of B’nai Brith Youth Organization, head content editor for the Journal of Secondary Psychological Studies, and volunteer and patient liaison at St. Francis Hospital and Heart Center.

“It was really important for me to have a balance between doing my schoolwork and involving myself extracurricularly,” Streiner said. “That’s why I did so many things throughout high school. It wasn’t just for the purpose of going to college, it was because I genuinely was so passionate about so many things.”

Streiner is also a behavioral neuroscience research intern at Cohen’s Children’s Medical Center. In the fall, she will attend Cornell University’s College of Human Ecology.

Information provided by the Roslyn School District.