
Westbury Arts celebrates Mardi Gras with Paint & Sip night

Attendees holding up their finished Mardi Gras painting at Westbury Arts Paint & Sip Night.
Attendees holding up their finished Mardi Gras painting at Westbury Arts’ Paint & Sip Night.
Ed Shin

Westbury Arts was the place to be as they celebrated Mardi Gras in true artistic style. 

The fabulous and dynamic Dr. Nichelle Rivers led a Paint & Sip class featuring a purple, green, and gold mask, the enduring iconic colors of Carnival.  The Westbury Arts gallery was a packed house, where attendees put on their beads, sipped on wine, and painted the evening away. 

Traditional praline King Cakes were served to the delight of the painters.  The evening culminated in an impromptu line parade where the painters carried their masterpieces and danced throughout the gallery space.

 Dr. Nichelle Rivers led the Paint and Sip class at Westbury Arts.
Dr. Nichelle Rivers led the Paint & Sip class at Westbury Arts.Ed Shin

To check out upcoming events, visit their website.