Six members of Mineola High School’s Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) club traveled to Rochester for the New York State DECA Career Conference earlier this month.
The conference took place from March 5 to March 7. The students qualified through their performance in December’s Nassau County regional competition.
In preparation for this event, students took exams on business administration, finance and marketing, while helping each other practice for their competitive role-play events.
Once in Rochester, they performed their role-plays in front of judges and attended workshops on public speaking, the role of technology and AI in business, and more. The workshops were led by representatives from colleges, organizations and businesses local to the Rochester area, such as Rochester Institute of Technology and the Golisano Institute.
During the final day’s awards ceremony, senior and club president Jordan Chaver earned three medals for Business Services Marketing: Top 10 in Exam, Top 10 in Role-Play and Top 10 Overall for NY State. Sophomore Jasmine Ferreira also earned two medals for Top 10 placement in Principles of Marketing Role-Play and Overall Placement.
This is the second year of Mineola’s DECA Chapter.
DECA is a national organization with over 250,000 high school members from all fifty states. DECA programs are designed to prepare emerging leaders for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management by giving them real-life experiences that can teach them about business and entrepreneurship.