
Sewanhaka students’ creative talents celebrated at March board meeting

Sewanhaka High School students Lance Thompson and Shristhi Singh are pictured with Principal John Kenny, Superintendent Regina Agrusa and Board Trustee Tiffany Capers at the board of education meeting on March 25.
Photo courtesy of the Sewanhaka Central High School District

Sewanhaka students are making waves in the creative fields across the country.

To bring attention to their work, the district honored the recent artistic and poetry achievements of several of those students at the board of education meeting on March 25.

Three students were commended for receiving New York State PTA Reflections program awards. The 2024-2025 Reflections theme was “Accepting Imperfection.”

To enter the program, students reflect on the theme and create original works of art in the categories of Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography and Visual Arts.

H. Frank Carey High School students Jonathan Barcia and Anne Gaudiosi each received an Award of Merit. Barcia’s entry was in the photography category, while Gaudiosi’s was in literature. Sewanhaka High School student Victoria Hunte received an Award of Excellence in visual arts. Her entry has advanced to the national level.

Following the New York State PTA Reflections acknowledgments, four students were recognized for competing at the regional semifinals of Poetry Out Loud, a poetry recitation competition that is designed to improve public speaking skills, help build confidence, and teach about literary history and contemporary life.

SEW March BOE Meeting 2
New Hyde Park Memorial High School students Liam Cavanagh and Fatima Naysa
are pictured with Board Vice President James Reddan, Principal
Rosemary DeGennaro, Superintendent Regina Agrusa and Board Trustee Patricia
Rudd at the board of education meeting on March 25.
Photo courtesy of the Sewanhaka Central High School District

These four students were chosen to represent the district at the Nassau County competition, held at Walt Whitman Birthplace Association on Feb. 27.

The regional semifinal competitors from that competition are Liam Cavanagh and Fatima Naysa from New Hyde Park Memorial High School, and Shristhi Singh and Lance Thompson from Sewanhaka High School.

Prior to the honorees being announced, Memorial High School seventh grader Breanna Abrams, a member of the Superintendent’s Advisory Council, provided the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Report. She was the latest in a string of student ambassadors to assist with sharing successes and events throughout the district at board meetings.

Students whose submissions have made it to the next level will hear back regarding results in the coming weeks.